This is a dream I had back in March and the poem that resulted. It is coming up now because my father's birthday is near and my thoughts return to his memory. He would have been 86 years old. There were a few stressors at the time that were likely contributors to the vivid nature of the dream and the intensity of the emotion I felt.
My dad, Earle, passed away at the end of November last year after a difficult encounter with cancer. It was, it has been and it continues to be a tough time for my family. One very good and comforting thing that happened was that all my siblings (and some of the grandchildren) were able to be with my mom and him at their home that night.
At this time in March my daughter Erin was about to go through a complicated medical event herself. I had no power or ability to protect her from it or take it on myself. All my wife, Vicki, and I could do was be as supportive and positive as we could for Erin and one another, but this was huge!
I had the dream one night as Erin's operation drew near, wrote the poem the next morning and then sent it out in an e-mail to my family. I think this helped me cope and I hope it touches home for someone else that needs to find a similar deep breath and a rope to hold as they walk into steamy dark places.
The rooms were steaming and hot, all white metal walls with different elevations. We really couldn't see beyond a couple of feet on any side. I was wearing a white smock and had a thick rope tied snugly around my waist. I couldn't see them but I knew my children and wife were hanging on to the other end of the rope to keep me from harm. I also understood that I had to get something or reach something in another room I didn't know what or who it was that I was going after but time was of the essence.
I started to inch my way forward feeling for the walls and floor with my left hand out-stretched and my right hand holding onto the taut rope that trailed off into the steamy void behind me. The walls and floor were slippery from the damp steam and hot, very hot to the touch.
The metal floor was at a slant and then there were steps and a railing like you might imagine on a submarine. I held the railing and moved my feet very cautiously down one step, then another. My right hand moved from a tight grip on the rope to the floor that I had just left and back to the rope, over and over again.
Finally, when I thought I had gotten to a good point on my descent, I extended my left arm and hand as I leaned my chest over the slanted railing as far as I could, barely balancing my weight without falling over into the dankness. I suddenly noticed the arm I was extending wasn't mine but my dads thin bruise mottled arm, not my hand but my dads long age gnarled hand. As startled as I was with this realization, at the same moment I made contact with something or someone in the fog and was immediately relieved and elated!
Thats also when I woke up.
So I'm thinking this is about family supporting one another as, together, we face the difficulties, trials, tribulations and things that go bump in the night that life spins our way. On another level it is also about how we are each instilled with and bolstered by this connection we have to family that is no longer with us but has had such a profound effect on us becoming who we are as individuals today. They are part of our fabric and we will be part of our children's fabric after we are gone. For better or worse we are joined forever, like a big beautiful Decker quilt!!
Erin & Dad
Hi All,
Below is a poem I wrote a short time ago with a lot of things going through my mind about how full our lives have been, especially lately. In particular I had a dream about Erin's surgery and in general I have been thinking about dad and us (The Big Us) as a family. Loving and missing The Big Us, yet at the same time being at peace knowing that we will survive because we have Us.
OK, enough explaining. I hope you feel it maybe a little cleansing, a little empowering.
Love YA'LL
To My Children
words are not enough
Child hold the line,
I’ll be doing fine.
You stand firm now and don’t let go,
no matter what goes on
no matter no.
It will be hard sometime,
but you are strong,
I have faith in you,
you’re one of mine.
When you can’t see me and I can’t see you
know in your mind, this is true
That I am up ahead
holding on the other end.
I’ll get it done what I’ve got to do
trusting you and knowing you
have got the strength you need
from the life you lead.
All of the work you’ve done,
the things you’ve been through,
There is no distance between me and you.
All connected, one big chain
linked together we share the strain.
We cannot fail, we will not fall,
it is impossible, we will stand tall.
When you can’t see me and I can’t see through
child hold the line and I will too.
We will get done what we’ve got to do
It is all possible,
It all is You.