Thursday, June 30, 2011

Letting Go of My Shorts

We've all got something we just can't let go of because we just love it so much, right? Whether its pants, shoes, a jacket or a favorite old blanket, no matter how ragged it gets or how hideous it may appear to others, you just know you will keep it close by FOREVER!

I have a problem with letting most anything go and as I get older it becomes a bigger issue. Why, you might ask? Great question. Because if you don't throw anything away it accumulates rapidly and you run out of space to keep your treasures. Like the old George Carlin routine about "Stuff", things just seem to keep piling up.

Sometimes the culling out process becomes a topic of discussion around the house. Usually when there is a need to make room for newer, better fitting or possibly more important stuff. Dresser drawers is where this one comes from as my beautiful, loving and task oriented wife, who is now on a vacation from her job, starts to "organize" my mix of clothes. Please do not get me wrong. I appreciate every single thing she does. It is just a little bit of a challenge when it comes to parting with my things.

Daisy Dukes of Hazard

Locked in a dilemma, what should I do
with my raggedy jean shorts of faded light blue

A touch beyond frayed, the hem stitching gone
a fringe of bleached denim hangs jaggedly long

thin strands from the wear creep up on my thighs
like strings on a cute little lute or a harp, I surmise

I’m afraid my boxers would show through the strings
I’m too old for man-thongs and other snug things

I do like the freedom when I wear the old pair
there’s also the memories they hold and the air

I abide with a slight bit of danger you know
as I slip them on and they catch my big toe

I’ve taken to sitting to lessen the risk
but my daughter just offers a sigh and tisk tisk

Then rolling her eyes up into her head
I get a clear message, I’m causing her dread

“When you’re old its all about comfort,” I say
but it falls on deaf ears, I can tell right away

Still I can’t toss them out, you all know how I feel
I think I’ll save them for a dream trip to Rio

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