Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stop It, Just Stop It!

In the words of our all-time favorite pro tennis player, John McEnroe, "You can't be serious!" I think it is time to put an end to what appears to be one of the most frequently blogged topics or sub-topics of the day. That is the ever present apology in one form or another for not having blogged in some time or the need to stop for a bit and the accompanying explanation for your perceived low productivity.

You can't be serious! 
Just stop it right now!

Who cares why? Two minutes, two days, two years, who gives a hoot?
If you've got a something to say say it.
If it works on a blog, blog it.
If it is tweet-worthy, then tweet away.
If it is face-bookable, then face it.
Just get it out there with all the rhythm and glory you can muster. Say no to apologies.

By the way, I like to read random blogs by clicking on the "Next Blog" icon. If you have constructed a blog or web page that appears and then interrupts the flow of blogs so I cannot move past your precious page, then
Stop it, Stop it please!

I'll look if I'm interested, so why take a good chance that you'll hack me off by monopolizing my silly web roaming time?
Just stop it you bloggus-interruptus so-and-so. It's quite enough from you.

There, I feel so much better now.

Have a nice day! :-)

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