This is the view from my seat at the computer mid-morning. I think that "blinds" are aptly named tools for protecting us inside and out. They help me have a sense of control over my surroundings. Pull the string to let the world in or shut it out in one simple motion.
The world being controlled is the sunlight and the general public. The decision is mine. The mechanism is simple. No electric motors. Just slats, some gears and a string at the ready for whatever amount of privacy or exposure my mood dictates. I love the easy physics of it all.
They are vertical not horizontal. I think verticals give me a sense of a cleaner look because the dust can't settle on them as easily. That may not be true but it is what I am thinking and do not have enough interest to Google and find out the "actual" truth about verticals.
I think the blinds are a metaphor for a deeper truth of the mind, perspective. After all, life or one's mental wellbeing is all about how you look at things, the perspective you choose to have. I think the cognitive workings of the mind are very much like the working parts of the blinds.
With "simple" adjustments we can change our view to reach a comfort level to get ourselves through the day. Some days more light gets in and other days, well ... not so much.
Think vertical and don't allow the dust of life to settle on your mind!
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